
New Characters:  Luan. Currently a 'side character' in the Seth quest. Doesn't actually relate to the quest itself but just so happens to get involved after Seth turns into a bird. He is currently introduced through this quest. Should Sia and Ploy only pop up after it finishes?

Sia and  Ploy added to the game (and I really want to add content for them), but have no dialogue yet. Not sure what to do with them that would be amusing/would have some sort of plot. They're very much rivals, and Luan heavily relates to Sia (in the same gang). Maybe they're both trying to recruit more monsters?

AsterJossilyn, and Sorce also added with no dialogue. Not sure what to do with them. Aster and Sorce should be linked as rivals. Both very magic oriented. Maybe Jossilyn is trying to compete with Payne with who has the best cupcakes—or maybe she's Plankton and trying to steal his 'secret formula.'

Added Dialogue: 

- Added more dialogue to Seth Tucker/Rena, as part of the Seth quest. Still not much dialogue otherwise.

Astral : Basic stuff and not overly funny, so I may get rid of, but at least it's something. Has a semi-serious chat with Zane.

- Simon :  Pretty happy with him. Bird-centric. Appears in two different places where birds are and his 'ending' location depends on where one spoke to him first.

Luther : Kind of sort of. Very much a filler/joke character; very reclusive, so he just watches his cockroach

New Quests:  

A Tale of Two Seths: Must first talk to the Seth outside of the inn. After that, Zombie Seth becomes available inside the bottom middle inn room. Talking to him changes Bird Seth's name. Bird Seth is unhappy once he learns this. Plans on confronting Zombie Seth. On his way, Luan interrupts his travels, and Seth is surprised to see that he's a 'bird man' as well. Given the guy is after humans to eat—and Bird Seth does not know Zombie Seth is a zombie—he offers they 'split the meal' of Seth together. They fly off and find Zombie Seth. Luan is disappointed with the 'meal selection' and eventually flies off after being attacked by Rena after he pities her. Seth demands Seth change his name, and Seth is fine with this, except nobody knows how to actually change the name above their head. It ends there for now (and probably forever).

Watching the Bird Watcher:  Small 'quest' involving simply talking to Simon with Zane in both locations (the plan is three locations total, but I don't have a third picked out yet. Need another bird).

Potential Ideas:

- Marco keeps forgetting he can blow up people's brains (worrying about dementia?), or he is aware he can do this at all times, but he's sad because it makes everything too easy. Not sure how this would turn into a quest. How do you solve being too powerful? My purposefully crippling him? That's very OOC, but when did that stop me? (It's not like being sad about being too powerful is in-character either).

- Lemonsworth goes around kissing lemon-like people. The problem? Making 'lemon people' overworld sprites is terrible and would require a lot of Photoshop spiriting, which I'm just not good at.

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